Hello, World!

Hello, World! I suppose the first question that needed to be answered for me was, "what should this post be about?" With my interest in big data analytics and some background in multi-variate optimisation, I found myself on the internet doing some research. To avoid extraneous detail, I found the following Word Cloud.

What is evident to me is that blog content is a broad spectrum. Having only ever consistently viewed one blogger, my undergraduate dynamics, control system, and optimisation lecturer (entitled - Negative Feedback), I decided to resonate with some of that content with personal flair and develop from there.

What I see myself getting from this is some therapeutic self-expression. I am certainly interested in communicating in a two-way fashion with readers. Most of my content will concern my life, experiences, and how I view the world.

This is probably where I should exit. With this post under my belt, I think my next will concern who I am and how I have come to be. This my take a number of posts (which is great, it allows me to find further inspiration). Until then, 

Goodbye, World!


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